Wednesday, May 29, 2013

At 5 in the Morning

It's 5 in the morning, and I haven't slept at all. Lately, as I've mentioned, I've been suffering from hives/rashes. So, I took an anti-histamine last night without prior consultation on its side effect. Sleeplessness is probably one of them.

Yes, blaming it on the anti-histamine is more logical.

I woke up parched, so I thought, hey, maybe I'll read some e-books on my tablet in the dark until I doze off. Didn't work.

So, I tried blogging using my tablet. WHY, GOOGLE, WOULD YOU NOT HAVE A BLOGGER APP FOR ANDROID on Google Play? It's really, really counter productive. I want to blog on the go. I want a way to dump my thoughts directly into the cloud. Wordpress has one, and it got good reviews!

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