Monday, November 26, 2012

Likeability is Overrated

Facebook, and our eventual dependence on that platform for our communication, has introduced the concept of "LIKE" as a form of feedback, a reply, a reaction, and I think it's not for the best. People nowadays are so concerned with their "likeability" more than ever.

Likeability is overrated. Twilight is likeable. Kimpoy is likeable. Vanilla ice cream is likeable.

Likeable things aren't interesting. There's nothing to love or hate about them. Nothing in them that stirs others into great throes of passion. If you're going to present something to the world and ask others to bother themselves with it, it should either incite in them either a paralyzing sense of disgust or a stupefying sense of the sublime. Greatness isn't likeable.

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