Sunday, December 2, 2012

FTW - Follow That Whore

"RT for a follow back," said one minor celebrity on Twitter. This was followed by several fans griping about someone being too snobbish to follow back.

Why are people so obsessed with getting Twitter followers? It's dumb. This whole concept of campaigning for followers.

These are the very simply reasons why I WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO FOLLOW ME:

1.) I get nothing out of it. My life is not improved by you following me. I won't wake up tomorrow strangely stronger, able to do more laps than before, simply because I gained 40 followers overnight. I can't go to the store and tell them to give me stuff and charge it on my thousands of followers.

2.) YOU benefit from the content I generate IF you follow ME. So, the way I see it, YOU should ASK ME if you can follow me.Your mind will be blown by the new ideas I'll spit out. On a lackluster day, a random update from me might send you laughing out loud on your dirty floor or spiralling down the staircase of madness that you land on your feet holding a sawed off shotgun against your client's head.

So, there. I'm not gonna ask you to follow me. That's a risk you have to take yourself.

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