Saturday, April 27, 2013

Letter to the Management of All Things

To The Management of All Things
In Heaven, Hell, and the Philosophies of Man,

Dear God,

This is with regards to the recent storylines in the on-going series "Life Under Siege", and my dissatisfaction with said developments.

As someone who have been part of the project since it's--rather, my-- conception, I can confidently claim that I am discussing this with nothing but the best interest for everyone involved in my mind. I have soldiered on through the most convoluted plot twists, I have weathered through the craziest storms.

I believe my recent performance handling the very tricky "Unholy Trinity" plotline should impress on you the kind of dedication I have for good storytelling.

However, quite recently, You have taken it upon Yourself to introduce a new character whose role is, as of current episode, growing in significance. Upon careful analysis of possible trajectories in which we can take the plot, I have come to the conclusion that this is a tragic, if not pathetic, course. We are all bound for a hot mess, and I refuse to participate in this storyline any further.

Having said that, I would like to express my eagerness for the next plotline which we would rather pursue. I still believe that there's a very, very big story coming up in the next few episodes, and the anticipation of that is why I keep hanging on.

Thank you, and hoping for your kind consideration.

Siege Malvar

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