Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hipsters Under Siege

One thing about social networking sites like Facebook, you get to see what idiots the people you know are. Some people you kinda like from a distance, occasionally they will surprise you with their unique insights.

But sometimes, people you respect go online, and they just post the stupidest shit.

I'm talking about certain people in my network. In small doses, their passion for standing up for their beliefs is admirable. In moderation, they can be helpful.

But when they're riled up, they're really fckin riled up, man.

And they say the dumbest, stupidest shit. Here are some quick rebuttals on some dumb issues that dumb people on my network are so riled up about.

I. Glorifying Suicide

There is NO NOBILITY in giving up. It's the most desperate form of emotional blackmail. It's fingerpointing at its worst. It's victim is the crime's own perpetrator. It wants to lay blame on another party for a crime that the victim himself committed.

Worse, some people think this is the best illustration of an unjust society victimizing its citizens.

It's not.

There's no nobility in it. It belittles the struggle of everyone else who survived. Just because I didn't take a bullet into my own head doesn't mean that my problems are less than those who did. Just because I can fight back doesn't make my struggles any lesser.

STOP JUSTIFYING SUICIDE. Already we are seeing the ill effects of that dumb thing you guys did. A couple of students recently killed themselves for having low grades. That's just dumb. Those are just grades, man. They don't measure how much you've learned. They only quantify how much you adhered to the educational system that your teacher was trying to force on you.


What I really, really, really hate about hipsters is their lack of critical thinking.

They think they are above the mainstream because they do no adhere to trends. "HIP" is defined by your appreciation of the obscure, the "difficult", the "sublime".

Oh, god. Some people even think being "dense" is a good quality for a work to have. Like a really 'dense' novel counts for what is the height of literature. Like a really 'dense' poem is what you should bring to the weekly poetry reading attended by the same old people who were there probably because they were in the line up.

Then, there's that anti-masa article. No surprise, no less than the hippest of the hipster crowd in my network shared it on my newsfeed.

I am a big fan of the masa culture. I like my noontime shows LOUD, and ridiculous. I like my movies predictable, and if there's a scene where Eugene Domingo steals the show, I'm on my feet applauding. I like Bob Ong--he has a certain way of cutting down the bullshit, and slapping people hard with his insights. I like FM radio stations that play silly rap songs. I know the words to "Pusong Bato". 

Hipster culture is basically an umbrella term for kids who are too weird to be with other people, so they form circle jerks around common passion points (80's cinema, climate-inappropriate fashion, academe approved literature, poetry nights, Cubao X) in order to validate the importance of their aesthetic choices.

These miseducated hipsters have mistaken exposure for education. They think their access to works beyond the mainstream places them in an elevated position to dismiss the "masa", the "mainstream", as something passe, of bad taste.

Here's the thing. Your dumb hipster choices are just as narrowminded. In making your dumb hipster choices, you fail at one thing: the exercise of critical thinking. You have blindly accepted everything Western, everything "not mainstream" as good. You did not take the experience and process it into your own set of aesthetic standards.

So you end up with a subculture of people sharing the SAME STANDARDS FOR WHAT IS HIP. You like the same set of independent cinema, read the same post modern novels, admire the same set of unsigned bands.

At the end of the day, YOU ALL SAY THE SAME. And this is something you must realize about yourself: That you are no better than the masses you abhor. You are no better than sheeps, except you're the sheep wearing the polyester beret.

Also, you btches haven't published shit. So suck it.

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