Monday, June 4, 2012

New Roads to Creativity

I was whining to my friend how I'm finding it exceptionally difficult to do any writing lately, and said something I find truly fascinating.

He said I may have outgrown my writing methods.

This is interesting for me to hear because it may be true. I have been doing the same process since I started, and only because it's a process that works. It's a tried and tested formula. However, I failed to take into account my own rate of maturity. That as years go by, I grow. I acquire new sensibilities, I learn new tricks.

What my friend said is worth exploring. Perhaps it's time for me to find other ways to reach my point of creativity. Maybe I'm growing bored with how I usually approach a problem, and my attacks have been monotonous, if not predictable.

With that thought, I'll go to sleep tonight. Good night, everyone.

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