Thursday, June 21, 2012

All is as it should be.

It's a nice thought. I saw it tattooed on someone's wrist. I was also trying to get a glimpse of what was written on his chest, but it would be highly appropriate, seeing that we were both at work on a convention for doctors.

It's a comforting thought. All is as it should be. It's the one lesson I'm clinging on to right now. It's not enough to accept that "shit happens"; believing that shit happens for a reason, so it can teach you a lesson, free you of something, or there's a yet unseen fortuitous consequence of it, well, ain't that bliss? Every heartbreak you've ever experienced, every disappointment you've ever faced, every thing is a part of what would ultimately make you a better version of you living a better version of your life right now.

When our plans fail, believe in the mantra: All is as it should be. We won't always get what we want, but we'll always get what we need to get. We hope for gold, but we are handed coals. Instead of getting disappointed or heartbroken, think: even gold yields to coals.

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