Sunday, March 11, 2012

Siege Malvar is bored with the Walking Dead 2nd Season

Is it just me, or are you guys getting bored with this season of Walking Dead too?

The series has become a metaphor for its own genre. It's a dead story that wouldn't stay down. There's something seriously, seriously wrong going on with the people running the show. They're stretching a simple storyline across several episodes with NOTHING happening, no character development at all. It's the most disappointing sophomore season of any show I've ever seen, and to think I suffered through 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives.

It's painful to see The Walking Dead trying so hard to become Lost 2.0. It's trying to get that low key, "character" moments where the characters just talk and talk. And talk. The difference is with Lost, the writing is so electrifying that those moments are still charged with quiet intensity. With The Walking Dead... it's just two people talking.

The writers must really bring their game up in the succeeding episodes. I'm all in for a zombie story that runs with depth, but, man, you don't have to bore us undead. There's nothing going on, there's no plot highlights. They're just a bunch of survivors yakking about in a farm. No one has a plan, all the secrets are out in the open, and they're starting to have the luxury of worrying about their love affairs.

Come on, writers of the series. Step up! Don't lose focus; keep in mind what the series is all about: humanity being tested by an impossible scenario. The dead are walking, the living are running. Your story is crawling along getting trampled. 

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