Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nothing Less than Great Expectations

I'm working on an epic project, and part of that project is taking a survey of great romances as depicted in literature. I plan on touching the kind of obsession shown in The Great Gatsby and Possession (A.S. Byatt).

I'm re-reading Great Expectations (Charles Dickens). I love the emotional range that Dickens made Pip explore and discover through the course of the narrative. I dream of someday being tapped to write a Tagalog adaptation of the novel. I think I'd modernize it, and set it in Manila. I'd have Coco Martin playing Pip, and Chinchin Gutierrez as Miss Havisham. I want to make the story easy to relate with for the Filipino youth.

Anyway, I'm wondering, what other works of literature have you guys read? Which ones stirred in you emotions so great that it changed your perspective on love and romance? I don't want to hear any of that Twilight crap, because the moment anyone of you suggests it, I'm going to bitchslap your vampire fangs out of your filthy vampire mouths.

Help me build a reading list of the world's greatest literary romances! Leave comments.

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