Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Advice to a young writer

Write as much as you can in your early twenties. Write as bad as you want. Write about the things you think no one would read, write the way Creative Writing programs told you not to Because soon, the bills will come, and you'll start thinking about loans, and houses, and cars, and kids, and utilities, and you'll be worried about having the time to write, and that what little time you'll manage to squeeze in for your writing, you'll probably spend worrying about writing good enough, great enough, to actually sell enough to pay for the bills.

So, in your early twenties, while you can still live off your parents, DO. While it's still not frowned on to let your moneyed friends take the bill, let them. Because you should be writing, young one. You should be writing, writing, writing. You should be building a bank full of unpublished manuscripts.

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