So, I went out last Wednesday with my friend D. It's not a date, since it's D, and I'm not dating D. We went to see the movie "Raven", and NEVERMORE would I watch it again. It's the worse movie I've seen this year, and I've seen Shotgun Preacher. This is John Cusack's worse performance ever.
The best part of the movie happened AFTER THE MOVIE, when the lights turned on, and people started exiting.
Backtrack: In the middle of the movie, someone's phone rang loudly. It was a woman's phone, and her ringtone was something loud and rocking. Like a hardcore, deathmetal kind of rock. It rang for quite some time as she searched her bag for it.
While she was looking for her ringing phone, the man sitting behind us yelled "ASSHOLE!"
The woman with the ringing phone yelled something back, which prompted the guy sitting behind me to keep yelling "Bitch! Asshole!"
This happened in Glorietta, which should give you an idea of what kind of people they have over there.
Anyway, after the movie, the woman with the ringing phone's boyfriend stood up, and confronted the jerk. Well, they're both jerks, but I think the bigger jerk was the guy sitting behind me.
It was all so dramatic. They were yelling at each other, and they were throwing punches.

I was trying to stop them. I was grabbing them by their arms, telling them to cool down, stop it.
My friend D pulled me back. "Let's go!"
"Why? I'm trying to stop a fight," I answered.
"Then why are you SMILING?"
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