I was afraid of trying Old Spice. It has this middle aged men vibe that I used to associate with older gentlemen who would trail me around on the street. Maybe I was molested by someone wearing Old Spice in my childhood, and it's my subconscious raising the red flags.
However, I ran out of deodorant stick one day, and I didn't have the time to go to the drugstore to get one. So I went to the convenience store nearby, bought the only deodorant they have on stock; it was an Old Spice High Endurance Dry Cream.
I'm an explorative consumer. I try new brands before I declare my loyalty to one. Before Old Spice, I used Gilette Clear Gel deodorant. I looove the smell of it, and how it goes on clear. But, after trying Old Spice High Endurance Dry Cream, I think I'm converting.
Old Spice High Endurance Dry Cream WORKS. It's as simple as that. It goes smooth as a dry cream, no lumps or gross build ups. It has a spicy scent, which I still find disconcerting, but the more I smell it, the more comfortable I am with it. I'm starting to like it. But the real selling point for me of the product is that it FUCKING WORKS!

- I went to the gym, and sweated a lot.
- Ran to the office. Got into several meetings.
- Commuted to the Visprint office to return some swatches I borrowed.
- Commuted via MRT to Ortigas to meet my boss for a presentation.
- Got late for presentation, so I ran to Emerald ave to meet my boss there.
- Presented a pitch to client.
- Went back to the office for more meetings.
- Went back to the gym to do some cardio exercises before going home.
- Had dinner with friends.
- Went home. Walked all the way from the main road.
I must have sweated 5 gallons that day. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration. But it was a really hectic day for me, and Old Spice High Endurance Dry Cream didn't fail. One of its active ingredient must be concentrated essence of Epic Win.
Thanks, Old Spice. You helped me conquer all my challenges. I think with you under my arms, I can be the man I should be.
Ok, so maybe that... or I have turned into the molester I used to be afraid of, so now I'm really into Old Spice. The preferred deo stick of choice of sweaty rapists.
How do you use it?